Kathy Zhang
Group Managing Director
Kathy Zhang is the co-founder and Managing Director of Financial PR. She is a visionary brimming with energy, creativity and passion for the investor relations profession. Under her leadership, the Group has earned the reputation as the No. 1 Investor Relations Firm in Singapore. She has also spearheaded the Group’s expansion into regional markets by offering its proprietary SIR services to listed companies in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. Kathy holds an MBA from Golden Gate University, California. She continues to drive the business and has her sights set on becoming not just the best IR brand in Singapore, but a name to be reckoned with on the international stage.
Hon Fung
Managing Director
Fung has 20 years of industry experience, extensive media and securities network, coordination of resources among the Group’s branch companies and coordination of work throughout the year. He has successively provided financial public relations, investor relations and market value optimisation advisory services to over 400 listed companies in Hong Kong, and actively assisted in the project investment of small and medium-sized stocks in Hong Kong.
Tim Yue
Vice President and Investor Relations Director
Over the years of industry experience, Tim has served as the head of investor relations and research department of a large-scale listed financial public relations company in Hong Kong. He has extensive experience in major capital projects in Mainland China and Hong Kong (A + H shares). He has served in several M&A and refinancing projects of state-owned enterprises and well-known enterprises and has been well-received by customers.
Chloe Chiu
Vice President and Account Director
Chloe joined the Financial PR Group in 2015 and has many years of experience in the financial public relations and investor relations industry. She is mainly responsible for planning and executing public relations promotion for corporate listing, investor relations management and media relations activities. She also provided crisis management, financial public relations, media relations and investor relations services to dozens of Hong Kong listed companies, with extensive industry experience.
James Lo
Account Director
James previously served as the assistant vice president of the board secretariat and the head of investor relations of state-owned enterprise, responsible for the Group’s investor relations affairs, corporate brand promotion and the department of the board secretariat. He also worked for large-scale listed financial public relations companies in Hong Kong, responsible for assisting enterprises in listing and providing long-term investor relations services. He served various state-owned enterprises.
Cara Pang
Account Director
Cara joined the Group in 2011 and helped offer successful investor and public relations services as well as media experiences to clients. Prior to joining Financial PR, she has worked with various Hong Kong-listed companies and developed professional IR / PR services from international public relations agencies. She also developed an extensive media network namebase from being a reporter at Hong Kong newspapers.